For a fee, you can hear your dog's innermost feelings verbalized and if your dog has had a 'past-life' or multiple past lives, you can hear all about that too. From the dog's innermost thoughts straight to your ears...via a psychic.
If you can't get to where the psychic of your choice is, this isn't a problem. They can do a reading over the phone. Just hold the phone in the general direction of where your dog is resting and the psychic will pick up your animals vibes and relay the message to you.
I don't mind admitting, I have a few problems with this whole picture. I'm a skeptic.
I'm alot more comfortable with the term animal communicator. We all communicate on many different levels with our dogs...body language, energy levels, voice inflection and good old verbal commands or words our dogs have come to recognize. (not 'understand' but recognize)
I do believe dogs communicate with us and if we're in-tune' with them, they are capable of sending us messages, to get our attention. We sense their being. They read us.
On the other paw, there's the self-proclaimed animal psychic.
I don't believe anyone can communicate with a deceased animal-which is a service most of these people offer, some with a promised 99% accuracy!
I don't believe they can read my dog's past lives, nor do I believe a dog can tell them what happened to him/her when he/she was three months old or a year-old, that is still traumatizing him/her today.
Dogs do not have the cerebral reasoning ability it takes to tell a psychic, or anyone else, a story in any language...but watch them long enough and their story will unfold.
A woman who dearly loved her dog sought the aid of a local animal psychic to find out if it was'time to say goodbye' to her 16-year old companion.
I had been strongly suggesting her dog was trying to 'tell her something' for-the-past year-and-a-half, watching as it stumbled and fell over, too old and feeble to walk. (she got a carriage for it) The dog had lost it's eyesight the year before and at this point was plagued with seizures throughout the day. It gave up on eating. There was something almost mournful in it's body language. It was tired. Her owner was desparate to know what was wrong-what her friend was 'feeling.'
The 'message' was loud and clear to me.
During the winter months when the snow became too deep to push the carriage to the psychic's house for a weekly reading, her owner was relieved when the psychic told her she could do a reading over the phone. How very convenient for all involved!
My dog has a half-dozen ways of 'telling me' or communicating to me when she's tired, thirsty, hungry, needing a walk, wanting to play, not feeling well, disappointed, suspicious of an individual, feeling lazy, angry, excited, happy, nervous, concerned, fed-up, wanting my attention, desiring a cuddle, contented and yes, even when she's a little miffed with me---

I've set the stage for this type of communication and we are 'in tune' enough with each other to reap the benefits. We're conscious of each other's energies-each other's being...we feel/sense each other.
Unfortunately, it's a far cry from carrying on a conversation, although I'd probably prefer a conversation with any animal than most humans. (oops-did I say that??!)
People who seek out dog psychics are in need. They are searching for someone to console them, to share their path with...or perhaps they need to seek out professional help for themselves.
Besides, if I were blessed with psychic abilities, I don't think there would be a fee involved in sharing my gift.
1 comment:
This is a comment from fellow Dane breeder Bernd Voexlen in Germany, under the kennel name of von der Krahnenburg:
“Very interesting issue -
I do agree wholeheartedly that dogs's "read humans" who lost a lot of their original senses.
After having had pets for a lifetime (I'm 65) I also can read almost all my pet wants, what they're telling me.
A pet is a strong communicator in body language since its voice isn't
read by us - as it should.
If I would need a psychic to help me communicate with my pet I'd stop
having one.
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