There are two distinct types of grass she ingests.
One type is when she has something going on in her intestines and she wants to clear out her stomach. The effect of eating this type of grass produces immediate results. The stomach is cleaned out. These blades are darker green and broad.
Then there's the daily salad bar, when the blades still hold the dew. These are the young, new shoots of grass and in the early spring, there
is a daily foraging for this superior speciman.
I've seen multiple dogs gathering at what must be a particularly up-scale salad bar. The owners just hang around until their dogs have had their fill, then with their appetite satisfied, move on.
I've heard it's the trace minerals that attract dogs to eating grass. It could be the actual act of chewing they're going for. Perhaps the grass has a sweet taste to it.
Whatever the reasons, I don't think it's a harmful indulgence!
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