There will be no pictures on my blog tonight to reflect this post. I can't bring myself to desecrate this space that way.
You can however check out the links below but the images are quite graphic and very disturbing.
I speak of the barbaric use of both live or dead dogs and cats being used as shark bait. The practise of taking a dog, piercing a giant hook through both upper and lower lip or snout or paws of someones more than terrified domesticated companion as its stuggling is in vain.
Once the dog or cat is captured, the fisherman 'hook' them the day before to let them bleed sufficently.
Some escape before being tossed overboard, to live without being able to eat or walk, depending where the hooks are and to die a pitiful dealth due to infection or starvation.
The dog is then hoisted over the side of the boat and dragged through the water, using the blood streaming from the open wounds caused by the fish hooks to attract any shark in the vicinity. Sometimes the fishermen leave the dog or cat out in the water overnight and return the next day to check for their catch.
Apparently this practise has been going on for over a decade.
I can't spend more time on this topic....it's unhealthy for my soul.
I just wanted to make anyone who is interested aware there are two options.
There is an on-line petition you can sign.
Or (and better) you can take a few minutes out of your busy schedule and send a letter (you know, that primitive practise of writing on paper, signing your name to it, placing it into an envelope with a stamp!) addressing it to any French Consulate.

Shame on the French Government. France-a country that professes such love of dogs to allow this barbarism to go unchecked for so long!
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