Some well-meaning person had purchased a rope toy for my girl, or 'the beast' as she is affectionately known around the neighbourhood. It's not the first time I've received gifts for my dogs in this manner-left by a friend or neighbour as they've passed by.
A ball with a braided rope attached to it-made for a medium-sized dog. It's difficult for folks who are unfamiliar with the giants to gauge the size of toy or bones a Great Dane can safely play with. What a Golden Retriever or German Shepherd owner refers to as a large bone or large toy can become something too small and unsafe for the enormous mouths of a giant breed.
This gift wasn't in a bag or the manufacturer's wrapping, which didn't concern me as most of the dog toys at the local pet stores hang on display on pegs. The person who performed this act of kindness had carefully cut off the tags, readying it for my girl to enjoy.
I offered the new treasure to Journey as she lay patiently on her bed waiting for me to finish getting ready for our morning walk. She was delighted and started to inspect it immediately.
Five minutes later I was ready to leave. I waited at the door with leash in hand and she appeared, still holding her new treasure in her mouth. I agreed to take it with us but when I pulled it from her mouth, I saw traces of blood on the rope.
Then I noticed blood seeping from a little cut at the corner of her lip.
Dropping my girl's leash, I knelt down to check her over. Once I determined the cut was minor (it was a long way from her heart!), I hurried into the kitchen to examine the source of the problem--the ball-on-a-rope toy.
Needless to say, Journey was now concerned with why I was 'playing' with her toy in the kitchen, while she stood at the door with leash on, waiting to go out.
The tennis ball was connected to the braided rope by two pieces of fine metal wire. Very shabby workmanship. (sure hope this manufacturer isn't making baby toys too!!) The wires weren't even embedded in the rope, they were wrapped around it and hidden by electrical tape wound around them.
I was able to remove what was left of the electrical tape easily with my hands-as well as pull the wires from around the rope.

By now, Journey was studying me with concern, wondering why I was 'ruining' her perfectly good (albeit dangerous) treasure.
All was not lost as I grabbed the rope part and we were off on our walk. (I, sporting a few more white hairs!)
She would get to play with part of her new toy.
I checked with the two local pet shops in our area and it was with great relief I found neither sell this particular brand of rope toy.
I can only assume it comes from a dollar store. I will ferret out the manufacturer of this dangerous piece of garbage and have a conversation with them.

Had the wire loosened while Journey chewed on the toy...had she swallowed it, I'm not sure surgery would have been enough to save her, had she not choked on it, it surely would have punctured an artery or some organ.
Take the time to check every toy carefully. Don't just assume because a pet store sells it, it's safe and please don't purchase any toys from dollar stores.
We were fortunate--this story could have had a very different ending!
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