Unfortunately, I'm all too familiar with the breeder (and I use the term here very loosely!). Many of us, who truely love the breed and work toward breeding healthier Danes with greater longevity--that is-not just for profit, have been concerned with this person's lack of ethics and knowledge for some years now.
He breeds Great Danes in the Wainfleet, Ontario area.
Sometimes the line between a reputable breeder and a puppy miller appears to be a fine one. Murky gray as opposed to crisp black and white.
By definition, a puppy mill is a large-scale breeding operation that produces large numbers of puppies for profit. The owners are many times unconcerned with health checks or breeding their 'best' animals-more often than not they don't do any health checks and they breed any animal of breeding age, not once or twice in it's lifetime but every time it comes into season throughout the animals life until, in the dog's twilight years, no longer able to produce puppies, it's simply 'disposed of' with no more thought given it than disposing of an old, bald tire.
These vermin give no thought to the animal's well-being, only their own profit. They are unethical in every sense of the word.
Most puppy millers don't go to the added expense of registering their litters and individual pups with the governing organization for purebred dog registry's...here in Canada, it's the Canadian Kennel Club (each country has it's own national registry). 

This man does register his puppies, last time anyone checked....but that's about the extent of his care (after all a registered dog brings a better dollar!).
He also uses a broker...
A broker is a person in the world of breeding, who mediates between a buyer and a seller--the middleman, who is paid a percentage of the profit from a sale. A breeder employs a broker when they need a party to hide behind--for various reasons.
What ethical breeder wouldn't belong to a provincial breed club or the National breed club of their chosen breed?
This man, (who was mentored by a woman who was also a puppy miller-who showed no compassion to the poor dogs and would joke about abusing them!) is persona non gratis in both of the clubs representing Great Danes here in Ontario!!
What ethical breeder would out-source the selling of their puppies?? What breeder worth their salt would not want to represent themselves, meet potential puppy owners and personally check references??
This person who doesn't care about where his dogs end up-doesn't give them another thought after the money has changed hands, has no business referring to himself as a 'breeder.'
Unfortunately, he is not the only person in our breed who is guilty of these practices. He is one we know though and we can only hope Revenue Canada and the SPCA investigations will bare fruit.
We are onto him-and will spread the word whenever, however we can. It certainly is 'buyer beware' where his Great Dane care and management is concerned! If you're looking for a Great Dane, do yourself a favour--stay away from a broker in the Hamilton area and a breeder in the Wainfleet area.
I have received quite a few comments re this post.
Here are a few of them:
Excellent article on "Dale".
Great Job Deborah!
Well said, Deborah! As always, I admire your fearlessness to tell it like it is.....
He shouldn't even be allowed to own dogs. Good for you for finally exposing him for what he is.
Who is the woman you mention? I would be curious to know, especially if she was his mentor?
You guys should relly get your facts straight.I know this man and have all my life.He treats his dogs like family spends his very last dollar to their care.Jealous is what u are .Cant get the breed's people.So u slander one of the best.You are so transparent
Has this guy cleaned up his act? Did the SPCA investigate?
Hi I just recieved your blog from a friend in the Cambridge area and I am sickened to say that I myself have a pup from Sire Danefleets Rudy The Final Cut purchased from Moonstone Kennel Sue and Dave Eby, they have used this breeder always from what I know, my male is 200 lbs and 6ft7 standing on his haunches so I don't want anyone to think my boy looks anything like the poor dane in the pics and had I known any of this would have gone in a different direction.
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