I can keep the information to myself and share with those I choose…
I can send them (for a fee) to OFA-Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (America)…
I can send them (for a fee) to OVC-Ontario Veterinary College. (Canada)
Keep in mind veterinarians are not radiologists. They can only offer their opinion as to whether or not the hips will pass or fail.
I had one of my girls, CH. Sandalwood What a Scandal TT x-rayed and the vet I used at the time told me he wouldn't suggest breeding her...her hips wouldn't pass, so not to bother sending in the x-rays. I sent them in anyway and they passed!
OFA is the most widely accepted data -bank for hip evaluation/certification, along with many other tests from thyroid testing to DNA.
Three radiologists, independent of each other, will evaluate and grade the dog's x-rays: Excellent, Good, Fair, Borderline, with the last rating subdivided to denote the severity of Dysplasia---Mild, Moderate or Severe.

Good in any survey I've ever seen is always two steps below the excellent rating. Are the dog's hips at the top-end of good--bordering excellent or at the bottom-end, bordering on a fair?
For years, there have been nasty rumours circulating-involving the time of month one sends the x-rays in....if one gets them in between the 1st and 6th of the month (days may vary depending on who you're talking to) they will get a pass-if sent later and OFA has reached their 'passing' quota for the month, you're out of luck.
But don't despair... apparently people have been known to re-submit previously failed x-rays only to get a pass the second time round.
There are also rumours of people downloading a hip clearance certificate ( the same way one can for vaccinations) from the internet, print it out, white-out the dog's personal data, insert their own dog's data, et voila-their dog has a hip clearance of 'excellent'! Of course in this case, there would be no such dog listed on the OFA site but one would, I assume, produce said fake certificate to show to prospective puppy owners.
Once you've submitted your x-rays to OFA, if they fall within the first three classifications-excellent, good or fair, you/your dog gets a number and the rating becomes public domain, which anyone can view on the OFA site.
If the dog on the other paw gets a borderline; mild, moderate or severe report, the owner of the dog can choose to keep the information from the public/open data base.
Well, that's most considerate-but it really doesn't help the cause. I believe if you choose to send the x-rays in to be evaluated-let the public see the results.
Then there are the unethical persons ( and they are out there-probably on KIJIJII) who confidently and proudly state their dog has had its hips x-rayed and leave it at that...without mentioning the results of the tests!!
Another choice is OVC at the University of Guelph, in Ontario.
OVC terminated their hip evaluations a couple of years ago for a short while but now have fully re-instated the program. OVC offers a 'Pass' without any sub-grading or a rating of Grade I-IV. With no sub-grading-did the hips pass just by a hair or are they excellent?
So this shows the comparison between the two rating systems:
Grade I........................ Borderline
Grade II.......................Mild Dysplasia
Grade III......................Moderate Dysplasia
Grade IV......................Severe Dysplasia
There's an interesting 'By Breed Dysplasia Statistics' list from OFA here: http://www.offa.org/hipstatbreed.html
When all is said and done, the rating should be a firm guideline for any serious breeder…which dog/line to keep in your breeding program and which to steer away from.

Unfortunately, just because the sire and dam both test clear of dysplasia, does not guarantee a litter of pups free of the disease.
It does however stack the odds in your favour that it won't be present!
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