Thursday, November 26, 2009


Humane: Main Entry: hu·mane
Pronunciation: \hyü-ˈmān, yü-\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English humain
Date: circa 1500
1 : marked by compassion, sympathy, or consideration for humans or animals. (Merriam-Webster)

From Tim Trow, the 'combative man with a sharp temper' (should have known--he's a former provincial civil servant) to the head veterinarian Steve Sheridan, the shelter manager Gary McCracken, the manager Romeo Bernadino and the shelter supervisor Andy Bechtel--as well as the Society's board of directors...even Art Eggleton, an ex-Mayor, is not without his role in this horror.

I tell you-you'd certainly not have intimidated me the way you supposedly intimidated staff members. You see, I own a dog-I pick pieces of shit up like you every day and put it where it belongs--into the garbage.

Let me make myself very clear--Tim Trow and his lot don't deserve to get off with spending six months in jail and a fine of a couple of thousand dollars!

I've no doubt they've embezzelled enough funds to pay that kind of fine ten times over and they would look damn good behind bars, where, if there's any justice, they would be as ill-treated by their fellow inmates as they themselves treated those poor innocents! They certainly do not deserve court time paid for by the public!!?

Tim Trow deserves to simmer in a vat of feces and urine, along with his fellow scum. By the sound of things--it best be an extra-large sized vat.

From charges of “fiscal irresponsibility, improper conduct of society business,” and "implementing policies causing cruelty to animals", hurting the very animals they were supposed to heal and protect--to obstruction of justice charges through hiding animals from investigators during the investigation, this reads like a combination of a medieval horror b-movie and the political scandals exploding on front-pages of newspapers everyday, spinning our society out-of-control!

My heart is sick---I feel as if my faith has been undermined.

Let's just hope the investigation leads to prosecution of the scum involved in this whole THS scandal....or said individuals may have to deal with a roadside-type of justice when they next walk down a street...hmmm---a gal can dream!

Friday, November 6, 2009


For years dogs have been allowed to run loose on the Beach in Toronto. Until 2007, when the city adopted a new off-leash dog policy.

The city was prepping for the desired 'Blue Flag Beach' designation and felt dogs being on the sand/waterfront would affect Lake Ontario's water quality.

Due to the overwhelming response by Beach dog owners and the backing of dog owners all over the city, on October 15th, council agreed to allow dogs free-run on the beach, south of the snow fence, during the winter months (November 1st-March 31st).

Although City councillor Sandra Bussin (Beaches East-York) would like to take the praise for this compromise, I don't think it could have come about without backing from City Parks and Environment as well as every dog owner who attended meetings and gave deputations at council.

After all-Bussin was the one who pushed getting the dogs off the beach---only to do an about-face after her latest bad press due to her phone-in to a radio talk show--but I digress....that's a whole other story!

Dogs can now get more of the exercise they need. This is especially important in an urban setting. Dogs without proper exercise in a city can lead to alot of frustrated, leash-dominant dogs.

In the off-leash areas in the beach, people tend to stand around chatting while the dogs stick fairly close to their people.

On the waterfront, people tend to walk-usually a fair strip of the beachfront, enabling the dogs to get more exercise, still meeting other dogs along the way, so there's time for socialization too.

Who else is going to plod along, hip-high in snow on the beach in the worst storm, while our companions race around burrowing and rolling in snow up to their ears, chasing snowballs for whoever will toss them (I've never been too sure whether this performance is more for our benefit--after all, they take their talents very seriously-they rejoice in entertaining human beings).

Little dogs, big dogs, old dogs and puppies will all be having a happier, healthier winter thanks to the freedom the beach allows. If you're walking your dog with any regularity down on the beach during the winter months, you'll be healthier too! A little sore and stiff the first couple of times... but this too shall pass.

There's nothing like a walk along the beach with your's nourishment for the soul.