Dogs are not permitted on our beach--on or off-leash. There are signs posted, warning of hefty fines should the animal control officers who proudly patrol the boardwalk find you and/or your dog down at the waterfront--or anywhere on the sand...even if you're just being a responsible dog owner, allowing your friend the luxury of cooling off in the lake while lapping up some much-needed water during these dog days of summer.

With another promised hot and muggy day in the forecast, we started our walk earlier than usual this morning, in hopes of taking advantage of what little breeze might be down at the waterfront. (yes, we were on the sand, yes, Journey was off-leash enjoying a swim and a drink!)

In absolute shock and disgust I leashed Journey up--the beach wasn't fit for my dog to be using-illegally or otherwise. No dog-owner would ever allow any property their dog frequented to fall into this state! Only the human influence was at work here.
I met three tourists, wandering along the beach, who'd stopped to admire Journey. They told me they were from Europe. I asked them if any of the beaches over there looked like this one...

They were quick to tell me 'never would one of our beaches over there look like this...people over there love the beaches'.
Perhaps dogs being on the beach should be the least of city council's worries--get those animal control officers who love to give out tickets to give them out to the real culprits and save our beach from the human element!!